Tier 2 Health and Care visa

You can apply for a Tier 2 (Health and Care) visa if:

  • you have a valid job offer from the NHS, an organisation providing medical services to the NHS or an organisation providing adult social care.
  • you’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland.
  • your sponsor has confirmed you that you are eligible for Health and Care visa.

You must be a qualified under the following profession:

  • doctor
  • nurse
  • health professional
  • adult social care professional

Application Fees

Health and Care visa for up to 3 years  –  £232.

Health and Care visa for more than 3 years  –  £464.

Both applicants from inside UK and from abroad must have to pay the same fee. Your dependents will also pay the same amount.

If you’re a citizen of Turkey or Macedonia a visa for up to 3 years costs £177 and a visa for more than 3 years costs £409.

Immigration Healthcare surcharge

You will be completely exempted from paying the immigration healthcare surcharge.

Eligibility to apply Health and Care Visa

  • You need to be a qualified doctor, nurse, health professional or adult social care professional
  • Need to have a valid certificate of sponsorship and being paid an appropriate salary for your job
  • Prove that you have adequate knowledge of English
  • Need to have appropriate maintenance fund to support yourself when you arrive in the UK
  • Able to show you can travel and your travel history over the last 5 years
  • Have a valid tuberculosis test results if you’re from a listed country
  • You must provide a criminal record certificate from any country you’ve lived in for 12 months or more in the last 10 years, if you’ll be working with vulnerable people

Personal savings

If you have a fully approved (‘A-rated’) sponsor, they must be able to give you at least £945 to cover your costs for a month if you need it.

If your sponsor is not A-rated, you must have £945 in your bank account for 90 days before you apply. This is to prove you can support yourself.


For Heath and care Visa assistance; Please contact us.

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